Saturday, July 17, 2010

Luca @ 1 Month

So I am posting this a little late! However, over the years that I have been reading the blogs of my friends, I have realized how precious it is to record the stages of a child's life. This is why I have decided that I would like to do this with Luca. So....even though I am almost 18 days late, I still want to recall some of the memories from his first month!

Dearest Luca,

You turned 1 month old on June 30, 2010. Daddy and I have had an amazing time getting to know you and love on you for the past month. The three of us have spent all day and night getting to know each other. Bringing you home from the hospital was one of the most exciting yet scary times in our first month. Daddy and I tried to make sure that you didn't spend too much time crying, or being by yourself. You spent a lot of your first month being held closely by us and by your family!

When you were born you were a little guy, and you still are! You eat a lot, but you aren't gaining a bunch of weight. You saw the Dr. 2 times and both times you had gained just enough weight for the Dr. to not make us give you formula, but not enough to fill out your tiny frame. The Dr. did say though that you took a long time to get rid of your umbilical cord and plastibell! You seemed to want to hang on to all of your parts :) but you finally gave them up! Just in time for us not to get too concerned.

In this first month you have also shown to be a strong baby, who is determined to act older than you really are! You hold your head at 90 degrees, roll over, and like to stand while we hold you! Daddy and I keep trying to remind you that you are only a newborn, but you continue to try and prove us wrong. We truly enjoy your personality coming through your actions and determination. Daddy thinks you might be stubborn like Mommy :)

Well Gianluca.....we have enjoyed our first month being your parents, and look forward to all there is to come! No matter how little sleep we get or how much you cry and fuss, we always enjoying being your Mom and Dad.

Muchos besos mi amor


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